Saturday, July 11, 2009

Windows Programming : Chapter I 3 "Windows and Messages"

Well I've begun Windows programming with Charles Petrol's book.

Its a very big book of 1100 pages.

I just made a quick read on the 2 first chapters of section I "The Basics" but I've been reading a total of 4 days this damned chapter explaining how a hellow world programm works.

Well windows programming is more difficult than i thought. It has dozens of its own functions at a point to be considered a programming laguage itself. I hope I will make it cause its really difficult and it requires ver very much reading and re-reading and exercise

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've decided that I know the basics of C so to proceed to Windows Programming. In the end, I dont think I need to know every single detail for that. If there is something else I need to learn that I don't assume that I have to wright now, I will learn in on the way prattically.

C... Learning : Chapter 8 of 8 "The C STL"

Yesterday I finished the resumption of C. I didn't resumpt the Structures and the Access of Files. Since I know there existence and usance I will learn them practicall (permamnently) when I'm going to need them.

That also was the spirit while reading 8th chapter "The C Standar Template Library". No matter how much I red all the functions I was never going to remember them If I hadn't a prattical usance for them. So I just red the time.h header's functions which I found mostly interesting, especially the clock_t_clock() with which you could calculate the time in seconds passed between 2 moments in the program's execution,

On that I've created a programm, a clock actually that counts the pass of time showing secs, minuites and hours. Also I've created a header function which when you call it you pass an amount of time in secs and this function will pause the programm's execution for that amount of time
Actually it occupies the CPU with a loop checking each time the time difference from when the loop started and the curent moment until it reaches the amount of secs given by the user. So its not much of use since you cant use it as a timer in a real time game loop or at least I think so.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Notes on epanalepsis that weren't written down

This is an image showing the nature of the triple operator. With the experience of a Project like battleship i came up that it can come usefull in saving you tons of code.

Project Back Online after Almost a year

For several reasons I had left the 1st part 'Learn C' of the personal project "Learn to create simple 2D-3D games through 'Beggining Game Programming' book " on air.

Some major things that ought to be done, start of uni at February and a stupid personal incapacity to organise my time properly so that there would be space for the project, made me to leave the project. Now that my uni's exams are over I want to continue it.

I'll have to make an epanalipsis to C and cover the last chapter.

But as I have sed in my last post I need a practical exercise of C so to be marked "permanently" in my head.

So once done I will begin a C project to get used with the language pratically. It's gonna be a non real time game in console application like Battleships (I've done it in Pascal language for Programming I study). From that PASCAL project I realised that this is the best method to learn, remember and exercise a programming language.

Once created, - like it happened with Pascal with Battleships Progejt - I will be able to manipulate C code like drinking water.